Kamis, 23 Mei 2013

Let's draw! : Tools you need

Do  your ever  think of making an artwork? It’s easy guys, two things that you’ll gonna need is drawing software & pen tablet. Since pen tablet it’s not an cheap item you could use your beloved mouse .
Drawing  on a paper it’s mainstream so do on biology note book,  daily test,  midsemester test, final examination, or national examination :v << I DID ALL OF THIS XD LOL. By using a pencil you could just draw on a paper but how about digital drawing? Is there any software that can make it happen?
Have you ever heard digital drawing software names ‘’SAI paint tools”?
Yep, it’s famous among japanesse illustrators such as Hatsuko & Shidu but some illutrators rather use another software for an exmaple: Red Juice (Supercell illustrator). Once again it doesn’t matter guys, many Illustrators prefer  this software. ;)
No need to worried, if you want to have this software just copy it from Daiki-kun’s HD (he copied it from me, I downloaded it from a link that Echo gave me back at the 7th grade) FYI I’m too lazzy to copy it for you so ask Daiki-kun instead /being slapped/

Then why do I can make a straight line? There are two answers: FIRST please use pen tablet, SECOND use  the vector mode on SAI.
If you have a pentablet there are two components that important on making an artworks, if you loose one of them your work won’t finish forever (except if you’re rich enough to buy another pen tablet XD unfortunally I’m not)

The components are:
  1) Tablet 
         2)  Pen 

      (Ignore the SPHARKLING one, I costumized my workspace so I won’t bored drawing all night) 

I know that you might think Pen tablet isn’t a chep item, yep that’s true. But, no need to worried there are soo many “small sized” pentablets  which sold for  500k – 300k (mine’s above 1.000.000) I used the Hanvon pentablet, I’m not recommended you to use the same pen tablet as me it would be racist, many brands offers you a comfortable pen tablet such as wacom.
If you’re curious about SAI paint tools, here it is~

There are so many tools which SAI provide such as pen, air brush, brush, blur, water, etc. There are also oh so many mode which can open your eyes to your own style of drawing & colouring ;)
It's better not to copied anybody's style right? (I lerned it recently)
Okay I'll review about Hatsuko's colouring style nextime also I'm going to review nendoroid photosession, nendoroid/figma/petit/coin figure review (may be just a view), and Kagerou project: CHILDREN RECORD PV cosplay project /being kicked by shintarou/ 


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