Kamis, 23 Mei 2013

Let's draw: Hatsuko Style

  Don't you ever think of becoming PV illustrator? well I do, though I managed to become an (amateur freelance) Ilustrator I've never make any pv (not this time). There are many illustrator who've make some vocaloid (or others) pv or just making jacket design for certain produser, they also got their own style, don't you want to be like them? or looking for your own drawing style? (I do both) for now let's disscuss one of them.
  I've a friend named Hatsuko, she's an Vocaloid PV illustrator (related to yuuchaP & KEMUVOX) and she's our kouhai at smp ** (it's a secret I can't tell the public).
  Hatsuko was born in japan & transffered to Indonesia when she was at elementary school, how can I know her? it's easy hatsuko's best friend is my father's friend's doughter :v, we're still 9 grade now & hatsuko is a year late she's 8 grade now.
  Her artworks are AWESOME!!!!! check it >>  here
  Well I managed to try her style & making some conclusion about her drawing style. I know my artwork doesn't look similliar to her, it doesn't matter though.

Now I'll give you the tutorial of this picture 

 first make a sketch, use the vector layer not the plain paper layer
reduce the vector layer capacity, make a new layer and draw the girl
Now you're wondering what tools did I use? 

LAZY COME FIRST (lazy trick): 
1) make a new layer (in the base) ink it with bucket
2) make a new layer, colour the face using brush (only for the edge), follow the shape's border
3) Ink it with bucket this way you'll save your time more rather using brush all the time XD 

Make a shadow by using brush tool, make sure the opacitymix, persistence, color blending is 0
blur it! (unless you're using the cell shadding style) don't forget to follow shadow's border again 
make her blush by using air brush tool (okay I forgot to show you the tools sorry) this blush adding are important when ever you're drawing tsundere character.
  I'd like to use water tool to make her face blush more ATTENTION! please look for your water tool's capacity etc it may give you a different result sometime you need to play with it in order to get the best result.
  I use the same trick for the other part such as hair, clothe, etc so don't worry just replay this trick again and again. Okay next colouring the background!

1) Draw the sky
2) tile all of the girl's layer
3) by using brush tool draw the sakura tree
4) draw some buildings 
5) make some clouds by using brush then continued it with water number 10 (between water number 9 & oil water)
6) draw the upper tree
7) draw the shadow on her head there are 3 tricks: FIRST use brush then blur it, SECOND make it in the new layer so you can reduce the capacity :v, THIRD use marker with colour blending 81, persistence 67, & capacity 96. 
8) last draw the petals, use brush then blur the side of the petal (remember only the side so you've to use the small sized blur) 

If you're wondering how do I make the sky:
 make lines of sky colours, just take the colour from colour circle

blur it per line, I suggest you to use medium sized blur for better result
keyh then it's done

Here's some extra
Hatsuko's style (despite of my obeserving):
 her hair style are spicky 
her mouth style is simple, she good at making grin
her basic eye style are hexagon 
brush & blur are her weapons, she like to blur randomly 
last, she's good at making sexy pose & oppai :D her style are badass

credit goes to:


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